Since the mid-eightees I have enjoyed passing on my experiences as a singer, performer and teacher to others.

My background in teaching

I have trained singers, dancers, teachers and other enthusiasts in developing their voices in groups and individual lessons. I have worked in theatre-and dance-productions as a voice teacher and musical advisor and have given masterclasses and lectures on my work in Europe and Asia. From 1995-2010 I have educated singers and speakers in the Atem-Tonus-Ton- method in Switzerland, Germany and Japan. Between 2012 and 2022 I have been working as a guest-lecturer for voice and improvisation at the FHNW University of Music in Basel and other swiss university-music departments. I also have been the director of a voice ensemble, focused on improvisation and staged several performance-projects.

My approach to words in music and to the music of words

began years after I had experimented with the instrumental sounds and qualities of voice. I had been reluctant to accept the weight of meaning and its tradition. Only when I realized how endless sound and meaning are intertwined my curiosity awoke and my attitude changed.

It is this experience that I propose to share in one-to-one sessions with individuals or small groups of composer-performers.

With the term of composer-performers I refer to musicians and performers that want to develop their own music or built something new with existing elements. In these mentoring sessions we agree on a set of goals - based on a short description of your project (voice or voice and instrument) - including but not limited to:



Sessions take place in a series of 3 or 5 meetings in Basel, one to one and are based on your personal needs and questions. We meet in person in my atelier in Basel.

If you wish to come in an ensemble working on a piece, we will work out an arrangement.

Financial terms to be discussed on a case by case basis.

If you are interested please write me. If you need a place to stay in Basel I can help finding accomodation.